Monday, April 19, 2010

LifE's LitTle JoyS

We had our first emergency trip for stitiches! Not bad considering we have four kids. Poor Reed, who already has so much one on one time with doctors, was the lucky canidate. He is good though, stitches are out and he is back to being as wild as ever!

For over a year now, Mike has been saving money for a Spade bit (spade spoon is the type of the mouth piece that goes in the horses mouth), and after a lot of looking, and I mean a lot, he finally purchased one and is quite happy with it!

Spencer started baseball. He played 3rd base his first game, and he was so excited. He is number 10, and quite handsome in his uniform, if I do say so myself!

Life is a little crazy, but we are surviving. I have said it before, the unknown is a bit overwhelming, but we have a whole world to conquer! Well, maybe not a whole world, but Mike wants me to consider Australia anyway :) Til next time!

Friday, April 2, 2010

LoVe SpRinG

I Love Spring and Here are some reasons why:

Blades of green grass shooting up in unexpected places.
Spring Break with my kids home.
Hearing the baby calves outside my window, and watching them play.
EASTER (this has always been my favorite)
Cool mornings that lead to sunny days.
The occasional wet snow (just a reminder where we live)
The smells in the air.
Branding season up and coming.
A reason for my sister to bring Boston up to visit!!!
AND.... My husband shaved his beard off!

I love Spring!

About Me

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Ranch born and raised, we love the lifestyle that ranching offers. We also enjoy the oppurtunity of passing on the tradition to our four children.