Wednesday, November 4, 2009

BosTon'S MommY

This is my beautiful baby sister and her husband. She is the only younger sibling that I have and for a long time I was the baby... But fortunately for me, she came along and stole my title. Here she is with me, back in the days of me not so sure of the title being taken.

And now these two cuties, have a cutie on his way.

In just a few more days ( I am just sure she will cooperate ;), my wonderful little sister is going to have a Mr. Boston Joseph. Bringing another boy and nephew into my life. But how cool it is, because I have been the little sister having the babies for my older sisters, and now it is my turn. My turn to be the big sister to her and let her know how proud I am of her. To let her know that this is going to change her life in ways that are only going to be for the better. I am here to give her advice and laugh with her through the trials like my older sisters did for me.
I love you CaliChey. You are the best little sister, well right next to me I am sure!


whitey said...

sounds like she is getting close to having him have you got your bags packed??

Nettie said...

That has got to be one of the sweetest posts I have ever read!!!!! I think it is wonderful that you can love your baby sister as much as you do. Don't tell Whitey,....but I love my baby sister too, along with the other two of course. This world wouldn't be worth living in without our sisters.

"Jo" in many sizes said...

oh...making me wish I had a sister. Sometimes you guys were the closest thing to it, unless Kyle gave in and played dress ups with me. Excited to meet lil Boston...She got her hair did that means she is REALLY READY!

About Me

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Ranch born and raised, we love the lifestyle that ranching offers. We also enjoy the oppurtunity of passing on the tradition to our four children.