I missed the final days of the tournament, due to the fact that I was in Utah with my family. Cali, Justin, Boston, and baby on the way went to the Mt. Timpanogas Temple and I was lucky enough to be there and share the day.
Sunday was Mike and I's 12th wedding anniversary, so I drove straight home and made it in time to have a steak dinner cooked by my great husband (sad to say I could not eat much due to a bad toothache) but it was appreciated. We are hopefully going to take some time down the road and celebrate 12 years together. I mean, the man should get something for putting up with me for that long!
I will miss you and your family very much!! You have been such great friends to our Helena kids. Best wishes and I wish you the very best as you deserve it. I wish your move was to eastern MT but the place you are going will truly be blessed by your presence.
Good job Spencer!!!
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