Tuesday, December 2, 2008

We SuRviVeD!

Well, we made it through a great Thanksgiving. It was great to have all my family here (that were able to make it!). My dad and B0nnie, Mom and George, Tracy, Bill, Cimbrelyn, Caden, Cenzington, Cali, Justin, Justin's brother Josh and his baby girl Grayson, and yes of course all 6 of us in my family. Many people thought it a little strange that I had my mom and dad with their spouses and there was no awkwardness. Well, that part went well until my mom got mad and threw some mashed potatoes at my dad and in return my dad spit his false teeth in her pie. Other than that it went smoothe. (ok, I am really just kidding, nothing exciting like that really happened.)

We also made a good showing at Black Eye Friday. My niece and mom took out some elderly lady to get a gift for Tracy's grand baby, I faked labor pains with the pillow stuffed in my shirt to get to the front of the line for another hot ticket item for my sister, and Cali gave some poor Walmart worker the black eye! Ok, so I am a little far fetched! My mom was the elderly lady that almost got taken out when they dropped the box and some guy came to their rescue, I did not fake labor pains of any sort, but I really did not feel good in my tummy region, but it did not get me to the front of the very calm line, it just got me sweat beads, and Cali gave no black eyes, she just made some proo worker very confused due to lack of their "Walmart Team" not communicating. And after hearing news reports, I guess I should not joke about how everyone tends to lose the Christmas Spirit to "get a good deal". My favorite part was getting to be with the girls and seeing some of our friends in the frenzy! As for me, my best deals were at Goodwill, they were having a 50% off day!!! The next morning after everyone left, I got up and went shopping again early in the morning and their were absolutely no crowds and it was a success for me!


Kristin and Seth said...

Oh come on Kadie you could have punched someone's lights out and you wouldn't have even made it in the top ten stories! I think I will stay home next year, I can't believe what people are doing now.

whitey said...

Nothing better than getting into the Christmas spirit?? Your version is way differnt than your mom's!

Kare Bear said...

Sounds like my black friday morning.It's crazy out there...But I love to go every year! Never thought of the fake labor pains and pillow trick yet. Thanks for the tip!

About Me

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Ranch born and raised, we love the lifestyle that ranching offers. We also enjoy the oppurtunity of passing on the tradition to our four children.